AISEC in Sweden
They offers companies access to their global network for recruiting interns. For SUP startups, they provide free consultancy and only charge when internships occur.
- Professional internship opportunities
- FREE consultancy fee for SUP46 startups
- On-going support during the whole internship.
We develop leadership in young people (18 - 30 years old) through exchange volunteer and professional internships. We partner with different companies to provide such internship opportunities. Startups in partnership with us can access to AIESEC global network to select and recruit short-term/ long-term interns for your business. The selection and integration process is simple and effective. We also provide on-going support during the whole internship. For SUP46 startups, we provide FREE consultancy fee (job posting, pre-selection and selection support) and only charge fees when an internship happens.
Find more information about short-term internships here (standard, no discount): here. Find more information about long-term internships here (standard, no discount): here.