The Place

The Place


Berlin, Germany partner hub. Planning a business trip to Berlin? Our partner hub The Place welcomes visits on beneficial terms and maybe even some warm introductions..


  • 1 free week in our international partner hubs
  • Connect, collaborate and co-innovate


We want to empower ordinary people to harness great ideas and turn the craziest of dreams into reality: we want to create the future. Since planting our roots in Berlin as the Rainmaking Loft Berlin three years ago, we have grown to the realisation that we are much more than a physical space for startups. We are a community. We believe that a special environment brings like-minded people together, and when like-minded people are brought together, true magic can happen. Content can be created, new ideas can be fostered and startups can build the things that really matter. We are always growing, always learning and always striving to make great things happen. We are here to help you Connect, Collaborate and Co-Innovate with each other, investors, corporates and everything in between.