Nordic Innovation House

Nordic Innovation House


Palo Alto, US partner hub. Planning a business trip to SF or Palo Alto, California? Our partner hub Nordic Innovation House welcomes visits on beneficial terms and maybe even some warm introductions..


  • 1 free week in our international partner hubs
  • Building bridge between the Nordics and the US
  • Have presence in Silicon Valley and New York


Nordic Innovation House is the US headquarters for the Nordic Startup Community. Our concept allows members to have a presence in Silicon Valley and New York, providing our members with a "soft landing space" and a community of peers, partners, investors and service providers. We are a unique collaboration between the five Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Supported by Nordic Innovation and Nordic Council of Ministers, we share the mission of building a bridge between the Nordics and the US. We believe in Nordic technology, products and services and what the Nordics have to offer in a global scale.