


They offer SUP members and alumni free 30-minute Brand Lab Sessions, providing insights on key aspects like understanding future customers, clarifying brand purpose, maximizing business potential, identifying core users' needs, establishing brand direction and more.


  • 30 min free Brand Lab Sessions
  • Get your questions answered during the session


LynxEye offers all SUP46 Members and Alumni free Brand Lab Sessions (30 mins) to help you answering questions like:

  • Do you know who your future customers are and what they need?

  • Do you know why your brand exist and what problem youโ€™re solving?

  • Do you know how to leverage your brand to maximize your business potential?

  • Who are your core users?

  • What is the frustration/need you are solving for them?

  • How can you build clear sense of direction for your future brand and positioning?

  • What is the future movement that you are building?

  • How can you sharpen our competitive advantage?

  • How should you prioritize opportunities and resources?

  • How to prioritize activities and key message for your communication?