


Pleo is a company payment card that automates your expense reports and simplifies company spending.


  • Smart payment cards for companies
  • Easily captures receipts
  • Real-time overview of money being spent


As your start-up grows, it can be hard to stay in charge of where your company money is being spent. Not to mention dealing with those growing piles of paperwork. Pleo offers smart payment cards for companies, enabling employees to buy all the things they need for work. Our real-time overview means you can see how much is being spent – and on what. Pleo Mastercard® cards are paired with our mobile app, making it possible to capture receipts, categorise purchases and generate automatic expense reports on-the-go.

All you need to do? Add an image of the receipt through the app. Pleo can help your company manage online subscriptions more efficiently and sync data directly to your accounting system. Stop spending time on admin and start spending more of it on things that will help your business grow. Try Pleo today.


  • Plastic and virtual cards for you and your team
  • Seamless integration to Fortnox, Visma eEkonomi and more
  • Automatically grab receipts from your Gmail inbox
  • 100% human support with record-breaking response times


  1. The offer is only valid for companies who haven’t already got a Pleo account, and who are current members of the SUP46 community.
  1. You need to be a verified business decision-maker, including (but not limited to): owners, founders, administrators, financial controllers, C-level executives, VPs/Directors/Managers or other similar role that can make a decision to implement a solution like Pleo for your company.
  1. You must attend a demo with a Pleo sales representative prior to the opening of your trial account.

  2. Trial Mastercards are subject to certain restrictions and cannot be used for transactions with certain Merchants, cross-border transactions or ATM withdrawals. Pleo reserves the right to block transactions which are deemed fraudulent.

  3. Further access to the Pleo product is contingent on Pleo’s Terms & Conditions and the provision of information to satisfy Pleo’s Anti-Money Laundering obligations.